AWS ALB + express 502 ramdom
it is our env
in recent, we found our client called api, the server side return 502 randomly (bad gateway)
we try to find out the root cause in different way, including
- memory usage
- cpu usage
- server crash
but we found it is ok to service our client
util I google the answer, I found there many users has this problem
keyword: alb 502 express
this article tells us this detail, and the recent
it is my understanding:
- node js has keep alive timeout(default 5 sec)
- loading balance has alive idle time(ex: 15 sec)
loading balance sent request to node js server , and create a connection between loading balance and node js server
2. next request will reuse the connection if node js keep alive and loading balance does not time out
it is great to reuse the connection to improve the performance
the problem happen in :
when loading send to request and node js send a package to loading balance close the connection (nearly at the same time), loading balance get close package, and return to client 502 bad gateway to client
resolve this problem:
let loading balance idle time < node js keep alive time
ensure node js does not send close package to loading balance when loading balance receive the client request and back post to server
- 502 bad gateway due to loading balance send start request package and node js send the close package to loading balance in the same time
- to resolve this problem, seting
node js headersTimeou > node js keepAliveTimeout > alb idle time
const server = app.listen(8080)
server.keepAliveTimeout = 61 * 1000
server.headersTimeout = 65 * 1000